
NDT Instruments Indonesia
Jl. Sirsak / Casamora BB-1, Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12630
Jakarta Raya-Indonesia

t (62) 21 2943 0001 (Hunting)
f (62) 21 2943 0006



The world’s easiest to use AE system!

ASCO-DAQ2 is an easy to operate but versatile, single-channel Acoustic Emission (AE) system well suited for many process monitoring applications and others using burst or continuous AE. ASCO-DAQ2 is a data acquisition module in a rugged box which houses the well proven Vallen AE Signal Conditioner (ASCO P). Connected to a PC using the standard USB 2.x interface the 4-channel data acquisition module samples APK (Acoustic Peak Energy), ASL (timely average of the logarithmized AE signal), external parameters like stress, strain, pressure, temperature, etc at a programmable sampling rate and stores the data to file.

ASCO-DAQ2 comes with ready-to-use powerful AscoDaq software package for data acquisition and analysis including automated monitoring and alarm modes.

Product Picture

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