Scar Pro Source Projector
Scar Pro Source Projector

NDT Instruments Indonesia
Jl. Sirsak / Casamora BB-1, Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12630
Jakarta Raya-Indonesia

t (62) 21 2943 0001 (Hunting)
f (62) 21 2943 0006


SENTINELTM Model 1075 SCARPro source projector is used for industrial non-destructive testing applications of gamma radiography with Selenium-75. SCARPro can be used as a category I or II exposure device. When used in SCAR mode (category I), the SCARPro allows radiography to be performed in congested work areas with a minimal distance to the controlled areas. When used as a traditional projector (category II), standard SENTINELTM source guide tubes and collimators allow the Selenium-75 source to be used for axial, radial and panoramic exposures.

Exposure Device Model 1075 SCARPro is a dual mode radiographic exposure device for Small Controlled Area Radiography and traditional projection radiography.

SCAR An interchangeable collimator with a 90o incremental adjustment enables safe radiography in areas congested with workers.

Projector A standard guide tube attachment with an ISO compliant interlock enables traditional axial and radial projection radiography.

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