
NDT Instruments Indonesia
Jl. Sirsak / Casamora BB-1, Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12630
Jakarta Raya-Indonesia

t (62) 21 2943 0001 (Hunting)
f (62) 21 2943 0006


FEREX 4.034

With the new FEREX 4.034 detection of geomagnetic anomalies is as simple and precise as ever. The significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio, comprehensive application software and reduced weight facilitate detection. Up to 4 probes can be used on a probe holder.

FEREX 4.035

The FEREX 4.035 Fluxgate magnetometer detects disruptions in the earth’s magnetic field caused by ferromagnetic objects. It is suitable for a wide range of applications thanks to its great depth of detection compared with EMI detectors.

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